Global Hive Webinar Series
How do we know when we have made a difference? How does the process of learning about global issues differ between adults? Youth? Students? How do partnerships help or hinder your efforts to educate for global change? How do you influence the process of developing a public engagement policy for your organizations? Learn all this and more through a webinar series that probes important issues in public engagement!
Collaboration & Partnerships
Successful change happens through collective effort
When? Wednesday, September 18, 2013 | 12 – 1 (EST)
Where? Online
Who? Presented by Janelle Frail, ICN Atlantic Regional Coordinator
What? By working in partnership and collaboration, organizations benefit from broader perspectives and expertise that are brought to the table. Join ACIC and learn about the tools and resources that are available for developing equitable and effective partnerships.
Global Education in the Classroom
How can I integrate global citizenship education in my classroom?
When? Wednesday, September 18 | 2 – 3 (EST)
Where? Online
Who? Jennifer Braun, ICN Alberta Regional Coordinator
What? Join ACGC and learn how global citizenship education can be integrated into many areas in the classroom. Learn about tools and methods for doing so and see it in action through a number of case studies that will inspire and guide you.
Youth-based Public Engagement
Nothing about us without us!
When? Thursday, September 19 | 12 – 1 (EST)
Where? Online
Who? Steffany Salloum, ICN Saskatchewan Regional Coordinator
What? Youth engagement is a process that offers meaningful participation and opportunities for youth to take responsibility and take leadership while working in partnership with others who value, respect, and share power with them. Join SCIC and learn about the successes and challenges of youth engagement, as well as good practices, strategies, tools, and resources to support sustained youth-based public engagement efforts.
Public Engagement Policy
Build organizational support for public engagement initiatives
When? Thursday, September 19 | 2 – 3 (EST)
Where? Online
Who? Jennifer Muldoon, ICN Ontario Regional Coordinator, and Kimberly Gibbons, OCIC Executive Director
What? Policy is sometimes considered to be an umbrella term for guidelines, rules, regulations, laws, principles, framework, standards. Join OCIC and learn about the tools that are available for developing an organizational public engagement policy based on the Global Hive’s best practices.
Register now for the Global Hive Webinar Series and Conference! Sign up to receive email updates about the Global Hive initiative.