Reflection Questions for Integrating Gender Equality in Public Engagement
BEST PRACTICE #1 : Integrate gender equality at the project planning stage
Choosing and analyzing your topic
- Did I do a gender analysis to collect sex-disaggregated data?
- Did this data help me understand and explain how individuals of different genders experience the issue differently?
- In the terms of reference for the background research, did I specify the need to collect and analyze information on how the issue affects different genders differently?
Defining your objectives
- Gender mainstreaming: Did I include gender equality in the framing of all project objectives?
- Specific objectives on gender equality: Did I include a specific objective on gender equality in addition to other project objectives?
- Gender mainstreaming and stand alone work on gender equality: Did I decide to do both?
Choosing your indicators
- Did I design my indicators in such a way as to gather sex-disaggregated data?
BEST PRACTICE #2 : Integrate gender equality in your project strategy
Designing your awareness raising activities
- Were the project activities equally accessible to different gender identities (women/girls and men/boys, cis-gender and trans-gender, gender-neutral/gender-noncomforming, intersex, Two Spirit, and other gender identities)?
- Did the project activities take into account the availability of different gender identities?
- Did the project activities equally appeal to different gender identities?
- Did the project activities offer the opportunity for different gender identities to equally express themselves?
Deciding who your advocacy campaign will target
- Did I do a power analysis to determine who was likely to support or oppose the project’s efforts to promote gender equality?
- Did I organize specific activities to raise awareness and convince elected officials who were less informed or had misgivings about gender equality?
BEST PRACTICE #3 : Raise awareness and commitment to gender equality within your team
Making time to discuss and raise awareness about gender equality
- Have I demonstrated my own commitment to promoting gender equality within the project?
- Do I raise the issue of gender equality during team meetings and when planning activities?
- Did I organize a gender equality training at the outset of the project to strengthen the capacity of my colleagues?
Choosing partners with expertise in gender equality
- Did I involve women’s organizations and/or other civil society organizations with expertise in gender equality?
- Did I involve the queer community?
BEST PRACTICE #4 : Integrate gender equality in your communication strategy
Crafting your messages
- How do my key messages reflect my organization’s commitment to gender equality?
- Do I have specific messages on the gender dimensions of my project theme?
- Do my messages reinforce stereotypes about women and men’s roles?
Choosing the right images
- Are all genders equally represented in my communication materials?
- Are women represented as victims or as leaders in my communication materials?
Using the right words
- Do I use gender-binary or inclusive language?
- Do my written communications use gender-neutral language?
Choosing your media outlets and promotional materials
- Do the media outlets and promotional materials I use allow me to reach people of all genders?
Choosing your spokespeople
- Are there as many women as men who speak publicly about the project (as spokespeople, panelists, facilitators, etc.)?
Choosing the journalists you work with
- Do I work with journalists of different genders?
- Do I provide them with sex-disaggregated data so they can convey the different realities faced by different genders?
BEST PRACTICE #5 : Integrate gender equality in your project evaluation
Setting up your project monitoring system
- Have I collected sex-disaggregated data for all my project monitoring indicators?
- Does the data collected allow me to measure the participation and specific impact of the project on different genders?
Choosing your evaluation methods
- Did the evaluation allow me to determine whether the project achieved its specific gender equality objectives?
- Did the evaluation allow me to assess whether I adequately integrated gender equality in the design and implementation of all steps of the project?
- Did the evaluation allow me to measure increased awareness or changes in attitudes vis-à-vis gender equality?