Source: Rainbow Health Network

Training using an integrated anti-oppression framework requires that participants, trainers and activists engage in a discussion of systemic and social change. In addition to helping the individual understand the impacts of oppression and marginalization, there has to be a focus on the systemic and social behaviours that maintain oppression and exclusion and how individuals are responsible for changing the whole.

The discussions with social justice trainers, activists and community educators that have informed this educational tool have emphasized that finding ways to become allies is key to being agents of change. By understanding the ways in which each of us both has power and lacks power, we can learn how to work together. Everyone is at a different level of understanding. As we challenge ourselves to deepen our own understanding, we will be more effective as trainers and educators.

Checklist: Applying an Integrated Anti-Oppression Framework to TrainingThese questions may prove helpful to consider as you design your anti-oppression programming:
1. How will the activities in the training meet the different learning needs of the participants?
2. How will activities be modified and reflect inclusion of all participants attending the training?
3. How will the training requested explore and identify the differential impacts of systemic discrimination and marginalization for different people?
4. How will the training address different people’s lived experience?
5. How will the training address issues of who benefits from maintaining the dominant culture, power and privilege and multiple identities and marginalisation?
6. In what ways can I facilitate learning and skill development to potential trainers on queer issues through this training?
Categories: ToolsYouth Engagement